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Recent content by a1is0n123456789

  1. a1is0n123456789

    psychiatric hospitals

    BEST BOOK EVER Girl, Interupted
  2. a1is0n123456789

    Why is reading 'dorky'?

    Im a freshman and 15 i go to a small college prep priivate school, so its not a really geeky to read. I dont consider myslef geeky at all, but i do love literature.:D
  3. a1is0n123456789

    First book you ever read?

    Walk Two Moons By Sharron Creech.
  4. a1is0n123456789

    The Most overrated fiction book ever?

    A fu**ing MEN also...has any failed to mention To Kill a Mocking Bird ?????:eek: It really isn't as great as people say.
  5. a1is0n123456789

    Reccomendations for a newb.

    My name is Alison and I am 15 years old. Being a teenager and all, I am just finding myself, and have found my love for literature. I am only a Freshman in highschool :o I was wondering if anyone would reccomend some books to read. I hate science fiction, and Fantasy. I perfer Social...
  6. a1is0n123456789

    I wonder how many students...

    Im a student... Im 15 year old freshman in highschool and only have been on this web site once to see if i could find out what social commentery was, becuase i over heard a teacher waying to a co-student of mine that she enjoyed social commentary, and was curious to what that is. So i came to...
  7. a1is0n123456789

    Social Commentary

    Someone Mentioned to me that they liked Social Commentary Fiction....i have no idea what that is. Can anyone explain to me what Social Commentary is?
  8. a1is0n123456789

    biographies about bands/band members

    Kurt Cobain I read Kurt Cobains biogrophy this summer and it was amazing. I have never really been a nirvana band but i am now and it actually made me cry. I recomend it.