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Recent content by Jennasa

  1. J

    Garth Nix

    thanx you guys, that was good!!! jennasa :o
  2. J

    Tears of Artamon - Sarah Ash

    the title looks promising so i think i will find it and read it and then get back to you!! howz that?
  3. J

    The Fantasy Forum..........

    Hey it's jennasa. i'm totally not new to the subject cuz ive been on it since like 5th grade and i'm a sophmore in high school. whats your favorite style of writing??
  4. J

    Recommend 1 COMPLETED fantasy series

    i don't really know what type of author you like but i really liked the black jewels triliogy which is finished and the author has come out with a short story compilation here are the titles: Daughter of the Blood Heir to the Throne Queen of the Darkness the short stories are called Dreams...
  5. J

    Robin McKinley

    Yes!! i love her!! she is the best!! i really liked Beauty and Sunshine. how is the hero and the crown? is it good? i have been debating upon getting it for sometime now and i want the opinion of someone who has already read it! unfortunatly for me, none of my other friends have...
  6. J

    Garth Nix

    Hey! Who absolutly adores Garth Nix? He has a new book out, you know. It is called "The Creature in the Case" and i really want to hop out of my house and go buy it! Who's read his other old kingdom books, Sabriel, Lirael and Abhorsen? Which is the best? I vote on Sabriel, cuz it got me into his...
  7. J

    Beauty and the Beast

    Beauty and the Beast (reply) There is a really good one by Robin McKinley, who i adore which is called "Beauty". It is low level, low stress reading but if you really, like the story, it is great. There are some plot twists to it, but it is really good! enjoy!!