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Recent content by klemske

  1. K

    Dreamscapes - Walkthrough of one mans dreams

    Thanks Thanks for you input. I have been having strange dreams such as these for as long as I can remember, the problem always was, is that I could never remember them when i awoke. These that i have posted are the few i do remember and are able to jot down.
  2. K

    Dreamscapes - Walkthrough of one mans dreams

    Left Behind with Time I walked home like I do every night, probably around nine o’clock at night. It was in the older part of town, run down, people that couldn’t afford to keep up their yards and houses. Most built in the nineteen thirties and around that time. The streets were dark and...
  3. K

    [b]Dreamscapes, One Persons Dreams[/b]

    Seventh/Eighth I was exiting work when the rush of panic ran through my body, the feeling you get when you know you forgot something and it hits you all at once. I forgot my cell phone, keys, and my id badge on my desk. Now I would have no phone or any way to get into work in the mourning...
  4. K


    Abandoned As I awoke I realized something was wrong, really wrong. I was not in my warm comfortable bed anymore. I gazed around to realize I was in some kind of compound or facility. Laying in the filth of the ground. A gigantic open shed, probably about size of a small stadium, totally...
  5. K

    Dramscapes, a walkthrough of one mans dreams...

    Dreamscapes Hey, just looking for some feedback on my short stories, Dreamscapes, ones mans journey though his dreams, thanks Mike
  6. K

    Dramscapes, a walkthrough of one mans dreams...

    Stranded Above Stranded Above It all started the night before, when Pat and I was in his car driving around a town, that seemed to me to be in Canada somewhere. We left that town in the early hours of the mourning, not before ripping around the country and tearing up some personal property...