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Recent content by southpaw

  1. S


    isn't it a little late to start censoring me?
  2. S


    hey welcome, i'm an uni student too, glad to see another one...where are you studying at?
  3. S

    Patricia Cornwell

    yes, she did have some dna samples, but she needed to get some samples from living relatives of Richard Walter Sickert, and none were interested in having their relative marked at jack the ripper. Also i think that some of the tests she did run were inconclusive. it's been awhie since i've read...
  4. S

    Patricia Cornwell

    the only cornwell book i've read is her work on jack the ripper, interesting and though pretty convincing, most of her evidence is circumstantial.
  5. S

    Which bookstores do you prefer?

    I tend to hang out at Border's on the west side of Wichita the most. There are a couple of really great independent bookshops here, Eighth Day and Watermark, but they have such really odd hours that is a treat when i find time to get over to them. Those two shops probably have the best service...
  6. S

    Hallo from singapore!

    hello and welcome!
  7. S

    Any suggestions please?

    i am into the first of scottish author ian rankin's novels, " Knots and Crosses". So far it is pretty good.
  8. S


    aw thanks everyone!
  9. S

    Book nerd level

    i confess to being a book-sniffer. i am also anal about how my books are arranged, I have a system in my head and lord help anyone who might go in behind me and move things about, lose of limb is certainly a possiblity.
  10. S


    Hello, I am Anna, from the great plains of Kansas. My time is mostly occupied with reading for my classes at Wichita State U, where I am a history undergrad, but I do enjoy reading from all sorts of genres. Right now I've started "Knots and Crosses" by Ian Rankin, first of his books that I've...