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  1. Michael H

    Books I own but haven't read yet

    Man, that's quite a list. :D Things Fall Apart- I read this in high school, as per requirements of the class. It was a long time ago, but I remember it being a good book, it not a little dry. Dune- Great sci-fi. Herbert does a great job of setting political maneuverings against the...
  2. Michael H

    Recommendations for a Fantasy "Newb"

    Several people have mentioned Robin Hobb- she is one of my favorite fantasy authors. If you enjoy her work, I would recommend Steven Brust, who writes similar stories (fantasy/assassin), but in a much more humorous vein. Brust's books are hilarious, especially the series that follows Vlad...
  3. Michael H

    Short Stories

    A thread about sci-fi short stories and no mention of Asimov? The man is the Godfather of the genre. ;) The first two (or three?) novels of the "Foundation" series are small collections of short stories, and Asimov wrote probably well over a hundred others. The...