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in search of childhood book


New Member
Im looking for this book, its kind of a present. She's been looking for it forever, but she doesnt know im looking for it really. I asked her to describe it once. Here is her description. if you could let me know of the title or, which i doubt, if its onsale somewhere online, id appreciate it!

"So the people in the book are chinese or japanese or something like that. the old mother is weaving a tapestry and she needs one of her 3 sons to go out and get her something. i think she gives them money and the older son goes out first and decides to spend the money on something else. so then she sends out the middle son fails her as well. and because they deliberately disobeyed her they end up old and alone or have bad luck ( kind of karma-ish). the youngest one is the one that finally completes the task. he has to go to all these magical places first like this castle where they use huge pearls for lights and all the women are dressed in white kimonos. meanwhile the mother is weaving this tapestry with her bare hands and she never stops, not even to sleep. so she ends up being blinded from working on it so hard and i remember the one scene where there is blood in her tears and it runs down over her hands, onto the red thread of the tapestry which is why its so special. the tapestry is of this castle that in the end, the mother, the son and some women end up living in. the last page is just one big scene in the garden of the castle with fish ponds and everything's in bright detail.

it sounds kind of dumb but its not hokey or cartoony really....it looks like skilled artwork. its not a small book maybe like 12 inches up and down and like 7 inches across but its not a thick book although its not real super short like some kid stories tend to be. and it's a kid book in the sense that you'd read it before you were 10 but after you were 6. "

keep in mind, she hasnt seen it in like...8-10 years, so some of the details are probably off

So yeah, any title, or hint, or anything, thatd be great!

Thanks so much!
I think it is the same story retold two different ways.

You can ask you friend for more details or you can give her both. Or you can give her a gift certificate with pointers to both. Or you can decide which one you like more and choose that.

If I were the gift receiver, I would like to receive the choice, showing how much thought you put into it.
