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Study on European and American comics. Opinions needed


New Member
Hello, I'm a student Communication Sciences (University of Antwerp). I'm doing my final paper on the differences between American and European comics. For this I would like to have the opinions of some Americans on European comics (I've already assembled the opinions of Europeans on American comics). So if you (as an American) would want to give your opinion on the following two comic pages?

They are from two very popular European comics. The first is one page of a whole adventure. The other is more gaglike and only takes one page.

What do you think of the style of the comics? The colours? The layout? The images? The characters? The balloons?... Do you like them? What do you like? What don't you like? Is there something that strikes you?...

Other nationalities can also give their opinion ofcourse, but please mark your nationality.

Largo Winch
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View attachment asnipurl_com_4xr9

well.... the 1st one is.. how do you say... stinky, though I don't know the full story; its cheasy, with poor art, and very cli'ched
the 2nd one.... well, I know they would never use a few of those words in american comics... not the ones any kid could see in the paper anyway... hmm... not funny, but...... drawn just like any comic here, and.... um.. that's all