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Recent content by ShadoWind

  1. ShadoWind

    Looking for a book, can't remember the title or the author... :(

    It was out of print... ...but my local bookstore dug one up from their central storage. :) I'll have it by the end of next week. They only had the revised edition, but after reading about it on the net, it actually seems better. Thanks again!
  2. ShadoWind

    Looking for a book, can't remember the title or the author... :(

    Thank's a million! That's the one! I'll finaly be able to finish it now, I guess I'll have to start over tho! ;) -Patrik
  3. ShadoWind

    Looking for a book, can't remember the title or the author... :(

    Hi, I read a book in 1993 while traveling the US by train and i accidently forgot the book on a train one night. I never got to finish it, and it has been bugging me since then... :( A guy in Michigan gave it to me to read on the train, an I never took notice of the author unfortunatly...