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Recent content by snaiky

  1. S

    Recommendation needed please....

    Hi, There are 2 books that I would like someone to recommend to me. Both of which relate to my son who is 6 years old. The first book I would like to read to him needs to be about Step Fathers/Re-marriage. Basically, a book to help explain to my son the relationship between a step father...
  2. S


    Back again! Thanks everyone for the greetings. A couple of comments answers for you all! I recommend all James Patterson books, Big Bad Wolf is another one of his that I read relatively recently. I like the character that he uses alot 'Alex Cross'. I'm actually about an hour away from...
  3. S


    Hi I am new here to the Book Forum. This is my first post. I live in Chicago with my husband and son, I am also expecting a baby in September 2006. This gives me a great reason to put my feet up and get into a good book! My lovely husband just bought me the James Patterson book - The...