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Recent content by stonesage

  1. S

    Lord Foul's Bane

    Donaldson's Chronicles were well written I thought. It's just that he has written in a much different style than most authors. Most people find Covenant less a hero and more a cowardly man, but I think that was Donaldson's intent. We hope that even though our 'hero' is very flawed(which is much...
  2. S

    Need help finding this book/author

    SWEET! Yes, that is the book. A million thanks have been sent to you. I cannot believe that someone has been able to help me so soon. :)
  3. S

    Need help finding this book/author

    I read a book in the early 1990's that was about a scientist who strove to become a god. He kidnapped people and cut the top of their skull off. While they still lived, he would slide his hand slowly into their brain and at the moment of their death he would become enlightened/wiser. I do not...