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  1. L

    Give a read, please

    :confused: I'm a bit confused by that, but here is why I write the way I do: -I try to describe things just enough so that people have a vague idea of what's going on, allowing them to fill in the blanks. I know this works because I've had several people, readers and non-readers crtique me...
  2. L

    Give a read, please

    Here's a piece from something else I've written... I spaced the paragraphs for easier reading. “Wait! I still need you two!” He hollered after them, but it did no good. Scared and confused, he held tightly to the small crystal. His stomach growled and he was hungry, he was lonely and scared...
  3. L

    Give a read, please

    This isn't anything I'm working on, but I just want to see what people think of my writing style, I want to know if it's captivating. NOTE: this is all off the top of my head. The sky was dark and the night still, one could tell by the eery silence that something had happened... or was...