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  1. B

    George Orwell: Animal Farm

    Do you think that whole book is a parallel to what was happening in the USSR during that time period? It seems like all of the characters, situations, and themes comment on that. What was your favorite part of the book? Did you like the movie or novel better? Do you think every...
  2. B

    George Orwell: Animal Farm

    I liked the book, Orwell's style in the novel is simple, sensitive, observant, straight forward, and honest. Its pretty obvious that Naponleon is the dispectable, boxer is heroic and Snowball is the true leader. Orwell relates the story as though he were writing history. The irony of the book is...
  3. B

    George Orwell: Animal Farm

    On the pages 88-116, from this point the animals are growing apart worse. Napoleon is taking advantage of the animals, only giving them enough food to make them work. Napoleon and Squelor lie to the animals continue to change the amendments to suit his desires, requires a public celebration of...
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    George Orwell: Animal Farm

    Majors speech was very thoughtout and impacted all the animals. The animals seemed comfortable and paid close attention to Major. He has strong feels to how him and his fellow "comrads" get treated by humans. The animals put a lot into their work labor for Mr. Jones and they wern't getting any...
  5. B

    George Orwell: Animal Farm

    Definition of terms Allegory-the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence. Satire-Trenchant wit, irony or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly. Toltalitarianism- the political concept that the citizen...