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  1. L

    New to this

    Welcome! Glad to meet ya.
  2. L


    Welcome! By the way, I think that poor old Boo Radley got a bum wrap. He wasnt any worse off than Forrest Gump, who got rich! :p
  3. L

    Greetings, not much into books tbh :)

    Welcome I suggest that you invest in some of the Clive Cussler books, the Dirk Pitt adventures. I find that these books will help one to become an avid reader without it being noticed. Once you start a Cussler novel, its hard to put down. :)
  4. L


    Greetings We bid you welcome! :)
  5. L

    Salutations Fellow Booklovers

    Introductions I try to be optimistic about things. :)
  6. L

    Books about the Romanovs

    Russians are people too! I do not know if Fiji has ever had such an impact upon our national thought as Russia/USSR has had in the past, but I find it sad that fewer Americans have discovered the wonderful world of Russian history. 1/6th of the worlds landmass was once ruled by the Tsars...
  7. L

    Salutations Fellow Booklovers

    Appalachia Thanks for the greetings. I come from the lonely places in the mountains where the eagles perch atop a dead sourwood tree high up on the ridge. I sometimes go there and see them, as I too sit in the lonely windswept places and survey Gods good earth.
  8. L

    Books about the Romanovs

    Cold war wet blanket Of course youre point is valid, in that not all interest in Russia was terminated with the cold war. Yet we must admit that Russia was not a very popular topic for most Americans in the CW except as to how much they scared us. For example, most Americans know who Queen...
  9. L

    Books about the Romanovs

    Now that the cold war is over, it is no longer taboo for Americans to be interested in Russian and Romanov books. Is there a potential "new field" for fiction authors to develop here?
  10. L

    Salutations Fellow Booklovers

    Cussler fans unite I have spent many wonderful days and nights reading Clive's books. If there were any one American author that I would like to meet, it would be him.
  11. L

    Salutations Fellow Booklovers

    I greet you all in warm regards as I enter into this assemblage. I look forward to discussing books with you in the future. Thank You for allowing me entry into this forum. Warmest Regards.:)