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  1. J

    Jack M. Neigut

    I am re introducing myself. A couple years ago I joined Book & Reader Forums as an aspiring young author looking for advice. What I received was that I was treated in the opposite manner. At that point I had not been published and it was the first of a trilogy of stories. Now expecting...
  2. J

    My Publishing Experiences

    jack M. Neigut You Just DO NOT GIVE UP. First of all if anybody should learn to correct their writing it should be zolipara i could, i know. Learn how to capitalize your pronoun I. Secondly when I was talking about the big bang I was trying to simplify things for you. I'm glad you cleared it up...
  3. J

    My Publishing Experiences

    Jack M. Neigut I have not heard from Zolipara in more than a day His real name eludes me. At least I'm not afraid to use my real name. A word of advice to him, don’t be so quick to criticize a person or his work; personally I am going to find another forum where people are more...
  4. J

    My Publishing Experiences

    Jack M. Neigut Your Quote:<Good sci-fi authors at least make an effort to base their concepts on real science and try to learn a bit about it. You can then easily accept this as future tech. However reading your short-story i can only conclude that you dont have the slightest idea about the...
  5. J

    My Publishing Experiences

    jack M. Neigut Its supposed to be science fiction not science fact and the plot is well thought out. There is absolutly nothing wrong with the story line . I dont know where your coming from or what your motives are, but there certainly not intended to help young writers. I have read a number...
  6. J


    Jack M. Neigut I plan to use the site to its fullest. Even though I have already recieved negative comments about my book. I do plan to post parts of my works in your writing section. I hope my experiences on this site are favorable ones. Despite the fact that I was already accused of spamming...
  7. J

    My Publishing Experiences

    It is difficult to understand the concepts behind a book. Reading the first 2 pages does not do it justice. There is a plot and a story behind the things on the cost of medicine and health care and the political views expressed. The first few pages might put you off because I start with some of...
  8. J

    My Publishing Experiences

    Jack M. Neigut First of all have you even read my text "The time Keeper" and as for being an authority on the subject; I do not talk about anything in the book that I have not personally experienced including the cost of health care and medicine in this country. As for politics, just read the...
  9. J

    My Publishing Experiences

    THIS IS THE VERSION WITH THE CORRECT TITLE I recently wrote a book called "The Time Keeper" It is a story about current events wrapped in a clever story and it also deals with the dangers of uncontrolled technology. I tried 10 Independent publishing companies and 6 turned it down. The rest I...
  10. J


    about eBook The Time Keeper Sorry if I sounded a bit rough in my last thread. It is just that I feel I have something to share with people and that is what literature is all about.
  11. J


    about spammers I guess you would call me a self-published asshole. But my books are available online for free. I just wrote The "The Time Keeper" because I wanted people to Know about the dangers that are facing our world today. No profit is made in the download of the book. If you would like...