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  1. B

    A Dirty Job

    Okay I'm reading the book A Dirty Job, and I know I haven't read it before, but in the book the guy (who is "Death" unknowingly) well he has a daughter and the daughter apparently has Death powers too. She points at things and says Kitty and they die, and then these two big black dogs appear out...
  2. B

    Book about evil carvings?

    Re: I don't think it's the same book... It's about carvings that are evil, the carvings themselves are what kills people... I could have sworn it was like a Stephen King book but apparently it isn't... I know there's a part in it where the girl's boyfriend is killed, I think in a garage? It's...
  3. B

    Book about evil carvings?

    I read a book when I was younger about these evil wooden carving things that terrorize a family and kill people. It sounds stupid and gruesome but I desperately want to find this book. I think the title is called Carvings but when I google it, nothing comes up that I'm looking for... I remember...