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  1. S

    Personal Reading Record

    I read 57 and a half last year but am on my 42nd so far this year. There's just not enough time in the day though!
  2. S

    Which Was the Last Book You Read in One Sitting?

    What Was Lost by Catherine O'Flynn. Absolutely fantastic for a debut novel.
  3. S


    Hyacinth, a name with class. I like your style.
  4. S

    Cold Turkey

    It's not been easy. For me I find it easier to resist if i'm reading through books fairly quickly. Hopefully I can go the whole year and then rely on Christmas to get my yearly fill all at once.
  5. S


    Thankyou it's nice to be around well informed book readers. Looking forward to getting stuck into all those forum threads.
  6. S


    As long as you don't call me Matilda i'll be happy!
  7. S

    Where are you? (in the book you are reading) - please read 1st post

    I'm in Columbia, wallowing in a love story.
  8. S

    Cold Turkey

    What is the longest time you have gone without buying a book, I haven't bought one since 17th December to try and catch up on my huge to read pile. It's working though, I have just finished my 41st book of the year.
  9. S


    Howdy, hope you are all well? Like you guys I love my books in a slightly to obsessive ways and I am hoping to get some friendhips going. I have an eclectic taste in books, everything from Charlotte's Web to Existentialism and Humanism. I also have recently started a blog too at Book to the...