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  1. A

    How important is expanding your vocabulary to you?

    It's not an aha moment. An argument must contain all valid points to be considered laterally. I merely considered the possibility of his accusation's validity. And I've been an active participant in other forums. I've seen and understand what you're saying. But whatever guys...
  2. A

    How important is expanding your vocabulary to you?

    Harsh, and that coming from one of the moderators. Not from any company, just a question sprung from pure curiosity. If I ask a question on how much you spend on books a month, would that make me a publishing company looking for research? I'd actually think that be a great question to see how...
  3. A

    How important is expanding your vocabulary to you?

    Hey guys I'm new to the forum, and I guess what pushed me to join was a great curiosity to see how important it is for other reading folk to expand their vocabulary through reading or other methods. Personally it's really important for me, and I manage to work on it pretty consistently. How...