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  1. N

    books in English that MUST be read

    well, again all I can say is THANK YOU I also want to apologise for not having answered for quite a long time, but this days are really busy for me (in fact I hardly can spare any time to read at all :( ) From this thread I get a long long list of things to read, and I'm looking...
  2. N

    books in English that MUST be read

    Thanks to everyone again... I have read quite a lot of fantasy and Sci-Fi (incidentally, I have... er, read ALL the books in the Diskworld series by Terry Pratchet :rolleyes: ). By the way, I would also recommend George RR Martin's books if you haven't read them. On the other hand...
  3. N

    books in English that MUST be read

    Thanks! I have already read "1984" by George Orwell, what other books by him do you recomend? By the way, this is one of my favourite books (except for the "manifesto" in the middle that I found long and boring). Thanks again!
  4. N

    books in English that MUST be read

    Hello, I'm not a "native" English speaker, although I've been studying it for about fifteen years. After all that time learning I can comunicate in English quite fluently and read at an acceptable speed. I also consider myself a "good" reader (mainly in spanish, my mother tongue) and...