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Garden Immortal Murderer?

Hi guys,

I'm looking for a certain modern adaption of Bluebeard. Now, I don't know how well my memory serves me, but this is basically what I remember:

A girl becomes acquainted to a young master of a mansion. He's obsessed over his rose garden, which is apparently a graveyard for the corpses of people he's killed in his mansion. The cover has a man and a woman dancing, with the man in a suit and the woman in a formal dress.

I think this book was part of an entire series, where there's another book about a girl meeting a boy who's involved in a murder case where teenagers kill each other with axes while they're volunteering. Another one has it that two people meet at an amusement park and begin dating, but their friends play a prank on them and they end up being killed.

I read this quite a while ago, so I'm not sure how much of this is memory and how much of it is imagination, but please do help me for I am desperate.