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New Member
Hello there! I am new to this site, and I can tell you, it looks great! I am wanting to look at some book reviews for childrens books, does anyone know where I can find them? Please send me a message if you find out any information. The book that I was particularly wanting to get a review on is called "The Root Cellar" by Janet Lunn.

Hello and welcome, Robynne. Hope you enjoy yourself here.

You will find many reviews of "The Root Cellar" by doing a Google search. There are quite a few out there! Same is true of general reviews on children's books.
Welcome to the boards, Robynne. You'll find us a friendly bunch of booklovers.

Oh, and by the way, Amazon.com has reviews on many, many books. I searched the net for some reviews on 'The Root Cellar', and I found a couple. First off, Amazon has a few, right here. Furthermore, as Ell rightfully pointed out, I googled the book you requested, and found some interesting things, namely here, here and a very extensive review, right here.

I hope they are of any use to you. If not, let me know.

Anyway, like I said, welcome, and enjoy yourself here. We sure do!

Cheers, Martin :D