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help finding children's story title


Hi, i'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this.
anyway, i'm trying to find the title of a series of childrens stories that I read back in grade school.

It was a children's sci-fi series that dealt with these intelligent, colored alien spheres that "kidnapped" these children from their school and brought them (the kids "rode" inside the spheres) to other planets where they had various adventures. I remember these spheres were telepathic and spoke to the kids and guided them.

These alien spheres were different colors that corresponded to their "life-span". They were orange, red, bue etc.

Does anyone know anything about this series of books? I read them back in the mid-late 80's so i'm not sure when they were exactly published.
If anyone can help out that would be great! or point me to a good place to search....thanks again.