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Looking for a murder mystery novel


New Member
This is about a murder mystery novel I'd read long back (maybe around 15-20 years back). My memory of the book is very vague, and unfortunately, I cannot give much pointers/clues. I think the story had to do with an organization called "Arrow, Inc" (as far as I can remember) where the directors are having a meeting or something like that. It may have had to do with one of the partners doing embezzlement or some kind of financial fraud, then there is a murder, which is later on solved. This murder mystery is of course classic - maybe written in the 70s or before. I'm having a miserable time trying to remember either the title or the author's name. All my efforts so far have been in vain. I'm sorry I cannot give more clues than above - I simply am not able to recollect. If anyone is having even the faintest idea which novel I'm talking about, pleassseee helpppppppp!
The novel was probably in paperback and perhaps had a green/black/white combination on the cover page. Also, if I am not greatly mistaken, there was a sketch of the site of murder somewhere in the book.
Your description seems rather generic. I was wondering why you were specifically interested in this particular mystery; there are so many like that which make good reading -- The Firm for example. So, what specifically was it that struck you when you read it. That might provide the best clue for us.
Thanks for the response. I'm sure there are many other good works like that but my mind is tormented by the fact that I'm not able to remember almost anything about a mystery novel which I've enjoyed reading during my teen years and I would sure like to read it yet again. I cannot specifically say what makes me want to read that particular book; it's just that need to find it failing which my mind will remained disturbed (in its search) for a long time. And I feel really sorry not being able to recollect enough to provide more clues.
It may come to you someday, in a sudden random flash. I was tormented for a long time trying to remember the book in which a particular passage appeared. Finally I think I have it, after having browsed through the works of the wrong author so many times. So don't despair. It may yet turn up one way or another. :flowers:
You're so right. Even I think so. I just hope that that some day comes ASAP :)

And, thanks for your kind reply!

Meanwhile, because it's right now very hot in my mind, my hunt/search continues...
Meanwhile, because it's right now very hot in my mind, my hunt/search continues...

And meanwhile you could also be contributing to this forum. Couldn't resist that! :lol: It can be a fun place to meet kindred spirits, truly.

But whether or not,
Good luck with your search,
Oh, sure. I'll see what I can do here, what I can contribute with my limited knowledge. I'm new here and need to take my own sweet l'il time to grow :)