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The Devon Proposition: A Novel


New Member
The world in the my debut novel,The Devon Proposition, is much like the world we live in today but just a little more dangerous and unpredictable. Luckily, the heroic characters I created actually care about their country and will fight against all odds to make things better and most of all, I made them out to be very patriotic and awake. They see, as I do, that the biggest threat to their freedom and liberty is from their own government and that is who they concentrate their focus on at Fortress Nine. General Stanphill and the vigilant patriots of LUNA will continue to fight the dark forces that have taken over the country and will restore the Republic back to her former glory. There is hope, even if it's derived from the imagination of someone who still believes in heroes and the triumph of good over evil. Read on. https://www.createspace.com/4546993 "A Nation made bankrupt by war and fear, where tyranny has taken over the land and absolute evil has consumed the government, a different kind of hero will emerge. For Liberty. For the Republic. For the People." The Devon Proposition (ISBN-13: 978-1494310721): the exciting debut novel by D. R. Braddy. $13.46 at Amazon.com and Createspace.com. http://thedevonproposition-nexus909.blogspot.com