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New Member
Hello! I'm brand new here, but I'm really excited and thought I'd share a flash fiction I wrote yesterday. Constructive criticism would be lovely. Thank you for reading.

I kneel beside my friend and give her a kiss on the forehead. My lips come away, painted with the colors of ash and death. “I love you,” I whisper, holding her hands in mine.

She looks up at me with glazed eyes. “Why?”

It takes everything I can to choke out the words. “Because. Because you are my friend.”

Tears streak down my face and land onto her cheeks. She closes her eyes. I fold into half and start crying harder than I ever have before, holding my face with my hands. Dust covers me, and I can barely breathe as I pull her head onto my lap and encase her with my body.

A small nudge makes me jerk up. She has her eyes open, and she’s smiling. “I love you, too.”

I lie down, so I can hug her and look at her eyes. Somehow, they’re no longer dazed. “Anna, stay. Please, you can fight it. You can do it. Please.”

She coughs, racking her tiny body. They said she won’t make it. But she’s still here. There is hope. With strained effort, she raises her fingers and touches a tear on my cheek, then places it on her own face. “You remember what we used to say?” she asks, taking another drop with a shaking hand.

Nothing. Nothing comes to mind.

A small smile comes to her lips. “We will laugh together, and we will cry together.”

I let out a choked laugh before bending down and pulling her up, pressing both of our cheeks together. As she dies in my arms, I’m letting the tears fall from my eyes and onto her face, rolling down, as if she is crying with me.