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A Clockwork Orange

'A Clockwork Orange'

Hi. :) As a short introduction, this is my first post here, I found the site through a google search and decided it was the perfect place for me, being the bookworm that I am. :cool: My name is Becky.

Anyways, I reccently finished reading 'A Clockwork Orange', and don't think I have ever been so blown away by a book before. Absolutely fantastic, if anyone has never read it, go do so immediately.
I know there is a famous movie adaption of the book, but I've heard that it has quite a different ending. I just rented the movie, so I shall probobly sit down tommorow afternoon and watch it, but before I do, has anyone here seen it? :) I'd love to discuss...any thoughts?
at the end notice the credits, see how it says "music composed by walter carlos"? if you go out and buy the soundtrack, it says the soundtrack was composed by wendy carlos. that's because walter went out and got a sex change.
I felt deeply moved by both the movie and the book, but right now I prefer stanley kubrick's version. it depends on how much you like the last chapter I guess, because it's not in the film.
Oooh..no last chapter? :eek: That was the best part!
*cannot wait to see what happens to him without last chapter*

And LOL about the sountrack. :p
Clockwork Orange

I watched this recently and I don't understand why it was banned, seems like a film I wouldn't follow and some people think its scary? I didn't find it at all scary! :confused:
Welcome Beccy! Why not go over to the introduction forum and introduce yourself to us all :)

BTW, parts of the movie Clockwork Orange were filmed about 15 mins from where I live! :eek:
SillyWabbit said:
BTW, parts of the movie Clockwork Orange were filmed about 15 mins from where I live! :eek:

15 minutes from your cell to his :eek: wow must be a large facility
never realized you been institucionalized for so long :p
bobbyburns said:
... 5 ... th-thousand.

Skipped a few, didn't ya ol' bobbyb!?! Yeah, but you get the idea...I think it's called 'counting' or sumthin...6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13...sumthin like this...14, 15, 16...18..errr....19...errrr...you know the score...right? That's great, good job...

"I was cured, alright!"
RainbowGurl said:
I watched this recently and I don't understand why it was banned, seems like a film I wouldn't follow and some people think its scary? I didn't find it at all scary! :confused:

It wasn't banned as such; it was withdrawn froim circulation (UK only) by the director because he was sick of all the shit he got from the gutter press. Every time a nun was raped the Sun & The Daily Mirrow would blame it on the film. Read The Clockwork Testament fore Anthony Burgess's view on the phenomenon (but read Inside Mr Enderby and Enderby Outside first because it's the third part of a tetralogy). In fact read anything by Burgess because his books are wonderful. And read the autiobiographies too. I first read Burgess at 14 after seeing the film and I've never tired of his books even though I'm almost 25 now (and in my prime).

You just made me spill my coffee!

In your prime, Mr. O., most definitely, but 25???? You are getting forgetful, aren't you? :)

And yes, this is a splendid film -- Malcolm MacDowell is riveting.

Irene Wilde
Irene Wilde said:

You just made me spill my coffee!

In your prime, Mr. O., most definitely, but 25???? You are getting forgetful, aren't you? :)

And yes, this is a splendid film -- Malcolm MacDowell is riveting.

Irene Wilde

I think you'll find that on my last birthday I was 25 years old (and 240 months) and on my next birthday I'll be 25 years old (and 252 months). We rock'n'rollers in our prime just stop counting the years once 25 comes around (because speedjive don't wanna stay alive when you're 25 etc).
Billy Oblivion said:
We rock'n'rollers in our prime just stop counting the years once 25 comes around (because speedjive don't wanna stay alive when you're 25 etc).

This is true. I stand corrected.

Irene Wilde
Irene Wilde said:
This is true. I stand corrected.

Irene Wilde

Well arithmatic is a very difficult subject. There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary numbers and those who don't.