If you sign up for a free Yahoo e-mail account/identity, then you can download Yahoo Messenger, and use their Messenger menu to join Yahoo Chat rooms. There is one room under entertainment for literature/books. I often visit there using my ID of literarydiscussions. Once in a great while, I meet some really interesting intellectual person and have a good chat in PM. Most of the people there just fool around, chatting about sex and bathroom humor.
I sent up this free IRC chat room for discussions on Brokeback Mountain, but no one really took an interest in visiting. But, if several of you here click on this link at the same time, you will fing yourselves in a very fast real time IRC chat room channel. You will be assigned a random name like Visitor_7, and all you need to do is type /nick MobiusX to change to your real name, or TBF_MobiusX, if you get some message that the name is already in use. So, if you can find a few people from here and set a date and time, you may all click on this link:
and start chatting.
I will be happy to join, or you can just chat with me, if you cannot find anyone else.
If you really get interest in IRC chat, then you can download mIRC free shareware chat client, and do all sorts of interesting things. You may LOG the chats, and edit them, and post them, for example, if you have a monthly reading club discussion. That way many can share in the experience by reading the edited chat.
I created a brokeback mountain game for that chat room. If you type help, you get a menu of commands. You can request random questions about the story and movie.
The game is driven by an IRC event program, and only works when I am logged in with mIRC client, and have the program running.
But a group of people could go to that same ircstorm site and create their own #nabokov channel, and make their own random question game about Lolita, for example, and have regular meetings for discussion of some particular topic, and they could log the chat and edit and post it.
So many things are possible, but it is hard to find people with long attention spans and interest and focus and dedication and forebearance to make something truly worthwhile happen. Hence, yahoo chat and IRC chat are for the most part wastelands filled with idlers, spammers, hackers, and perverts.
Anyway, let me know if you really want to try some on-line chatting.