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Do you skim or read every word?

I have to admit, I've skimmed the past two books I've read, because even skimming, they were a complete waste of time.
if i am skimming, it's time to find another book, or just give up for the day and do that which i have been avoiding, usually housework! :D
zen said:
if i am skimming, it's time to find another book, or just give up for the day and do that which i have been avoiding, usually housework! :D

Remind me what that is again ;) :D
I always read every word. If I dont I find myself lost furthur down the page.

But in the event I do find myself skimming, I know the book is not something that I'm interested in.
If it's a book that I want to read, I read, then I read every word. However, if it's something that is required reading for one of my classes at the university, I tend to skim unless it is an interesting read.
I skim boring bits, like long descriptions of rooms that don't have much to do with the story, sex scenes (if I want to read porn, I'll go to the dirty magazine shop), and other "filler" that seem to have been thrown in to bulk up a book that otherwise would have run about 100 pages.
yes, i tend to skip the sexy bits myself.. i remember enjoying JD Robb's Eve Dallas series, but always skipped the sex.. it was totally unnecessary! i don't want to sound like a prude, i have enough of the real thing to not need to read about it in a mystery novel..
I think that's because, from what I understand of JD Robb (never actually read one), it is supposed to be a romance/mystery cross-genre. And sex scenes are a central feature of most romance novels.