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I've entered a contest & I'm shamelessly asking for votes

Well, my inspiration was.....

a combination of a few things, because all they gave me were 2 paragraphs of information.
My background is ice, because the murder/accident (?) occured in the winter. It's based on an interesting character, and I wanted a face that would stand out 30 feet away from you when you walked into a bookstore. She's the real seller to me, because she's thought-provoking.
I also added actual photography of a White House helicopter, and an armed "meanie". I didn't want it to be an Arab "meanie" because of all the tension in the world right now. I know it's the basis of the book, but I want the girl to sell the story, and the rest will follow.
Does this make any sense???
I voted for #6 too.

By the way I think it is quiet shameless to ask for votes and promote in your first two entries in this forum. :mad:
This is a forum for talk about books, and not just a site to do some promition. Have you been looking for forums just to get some more votes or what?
To answer your query

My, my Gizmo you are an angry individual.... such a shame.
Not bottlefed as a child?
Of course I read books and I'd love to discuss many of them in the near future. I'm merely in a time constraint at the present.
What is your favourite book? I've probably read it.
I just get annoyed when new members show up, and the first thing they do is promote some stuff. I don't think it would stress them out to first get accustomed to the forum and write some entries befor they try to advertise. Most of the time these people dissapear quickly after their promotion gig is over. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Fair enough

Well, then, I don't want to be put in a "category". And I offer my apologies regarding your protocol or "style" of doing things. I like this place and I'd like to continue coming here.
Moving on......
I love Biographies. My first one was on Yul Brenner and I was immediately hooked. I've read so many I've lost count. I've also made it a point to devote myself mainly to the Classics. You know, D.H. Lawrence, Victor Hugo, Tolstoy, Oscar Wilde, Bronte sisters, etc.
Popular authors are good too. John Grishom is not as good as he used to be, but I still enjoy his stuff. Stephen King will always be a favourite, even though he's getting weirder as he gets older. "The Stand" is a chilling classic that I read in 1980 and it still haunts me.
Yes, I'm wondering if that car accident affected the chemical balance in his brain. :p
But even on his worst day, he beats Dean Koontz by a mile and a half.
Did you ever read his personal autobiography? He has an incredible sense of humour about his very difficult life, especially as a young fatherless lad. I really, really respect him, and his craft. I'm sorry to say that I haven't yet gotten around to his wife Tabitha's (?) works as yet, but it is on my "to-do" list! And with all his money, he refuses to leave his home state of Maine. I'd be relaxing in Florida or California myself! :D
Final results of contest

If anyone is even a tad curious as to what the end result of this contest was, I've received an email telling me all sorts of nice things, but.....
Bottom line is, I never made it to the top 3.
Out of 65 entries, I seem to be #11.
I guess I should be somewhat happy, but for some strange reason, this has left me sad and moody.
Is this a normal "writer" thing?
Don't worry, it's understandable. But 11th is really good considering how many entries there were. You gave it your best, and that's all that counts. *hugs*
Thanks for the "hug", Dele. It felt good. :eek:
Tee hee. I represented our Country (ahem - Canada) and only came out 11th. Would I be skewered with a wet noodle like our poor athletes at the Olympics this summer? They gave it their all, yet the media said it just wasn't enough.