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Parrot Joke


New Member
A magician worked on a cruise ship.

The audience was different each week so the magician did the same
tricks over and over again.

There was only one problem: the captain's parrot saw the shows each
week and began to understand how the magician did every trick.

Once he understood, he started shouting in the middle of the show.

Look, it's not the same hat!" or

"Look, he's hiding the flowers under the table!" or

"Hey, why are all the cards the ace of spades?"

The magician was furious but couldn't do anything. It was, after
all, the captain's parrot.

Then one stormy night on the Pacific, the ship unfortunately sank,
drowning almost all who were onboard.

The magician luckily found himself on a piece of wood floating in
the middle of the sea with, as fate would have it,the parrot.

They stared at each other with hatred but did not utter a word.

This went on for a day...and then 2 days... and then 3 days.

Finally on the 4th day, the parrot could not hold back any longer
and said......

"OK, I give up. Where's the ****ing ship?"
The parrot thinks that the magician has a new trick where he makes the ship disappear, so he spends 4 days trying to figure it out without realizing it's not a trick.

It was a lot funnier before the explanation. :cool:
Why? Can't parrots fly? Is that part of the joke?

Here's a real joke:

Did you hear about the magic tractor? It drove down the road and turned into a field.


And another, but it's a bit out of season:

Why was Santas little helper depressed?

Because he had low elf-esteem!

Hey' I get it! Here's one:

What did the hotdog's mom say to the hotdog when he came home from school?

Hi, Frank!
novella said:
Hey' I get it! Here's one:

What did the hotdog's mom say to the hotdog when he came home from school?

Hi, Frank!

HAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAA :D I GET IT! Cos, like, well the hotdog came home from school, and his mum said Hi Frank, cos well he was home from school. See? That's a real joke.
Here's one that my children think is the best joke in the world:

Why did the elephant cross the road?
Because it was glued to the duck!