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Steve Toltz: A Fraction of the Whole


New Member
I think I've fallen in love.

A Fraction of the Whole is the debut novel by Australian writer Steve Toltz. It's awesome and completely absorbing. This crazy, endearing, intelligent, hilarious, original and brilliant story is impossible to outline. The author himself has difficulty detailing what the book is about. It was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2008. Go to the website for a synopsis. And click on the Reviews section to check out the critical praise it has already garnered.

It's become an instant favourite of mine.
a little late

I am a little late to this thread. I just started this book based on a recommendation from a friend. I am just beginning but I am already enjoying it a great deal.
I will post again after I finish it.
Oh wow, hey there 753C!

I'm so excited someone actually replied and is reading this book. It's brilliant! Make sure you keep me updated on your thoughts.
Well for starters after only about 30-40 pages, it has been constantly funny. Not laugh out loud funny, but the kind of funny where you realize all of a sudden that you have been smiling for the last half hour.... Know what I mean?
The interaction between father and son is great.
I have high hopes for this story!
Hehe, yeah I know exactly what you mean. It's a thick book but it never, not once, gets dull. Every page has something to offer. It's my favourite for a reason. ;)
Also, I was stunned by all the philosophical rantings. It offered me a fresh perspective about certain subjects (including issues of life & death), and got me thinking differently.
I agree so far. The profundity sort of takes me by surprise sometimes as it is sprinkled in amongst all of the contempt and scorn.
A very entertaining read

Well, I finished "A Fraction of The Whole" a while ago and just had a chance to post. I agree with Baz. It was a very entertaining story. Full of humor and wit. It made me laugh out loud in several spots. As far as a Synopsis I would have trouble categorizing the book. In a nutshell, it is the story of an extremely dysfunctional Australian family. It is filled with sly social commentary and smug existentialist rants. A very impressive first offering from this author.
I would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of humorous fiction.
I'm very glad you liked it. It's my favourite book. It is indeed very funny and charming, but it's also bleak and emotionally unsettling. I couldn't recommend it enough. I wish more people would check it out.