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The "Death" Thread

Well, at least the SOB is down tending Hell's Gates.
My ex is still alive and inflicting his personality on others...... :rolleyes:
Not a death scene, but Billy's thoughts inspired me:

I loved that moment in Grosse Pointe Blank when Jon Cusack went to his father's grave with a bottle of whiskey and just poured it over the grave and dropped the bottle. It tells you everything you need to know about his relationship with his dad.
quotagirl said:
Well, at least the SOB is down tending Hell's Gates.
My ex is still alive and inflicting his personality on others...... :rolleyes:

Well if you start a hate thread and get everybody on the MB to send him ill willed thoughts he might shrivel up and die. A bit of internet voodoo.
quotagirl said:
Irene... very interesting that you hold interest in the hereafter. An obsession of mine as well.
I really believe that there is something after "hell on earth" (? :rolleyes: )
Also, I truly believe that if there's someone you absolutely CAN'T STAND on this planet, once you're both up in Heaven (?) you both won't care at that point, because well, it's rather silly and pointless at that stage, eh?

I don't care about heaven and I don't care about hell. I just care about...<*smiles enigmatically and leaves thought unfinished*>

Irene Wilde
Tony Montana's death in Scarface is the best death scene I can think of. Riddled with bullets but still blasting away cause he's blitzed on coke, then he's on fire and falls from the upper balcony into the fountain below (or was it the pool?) Anyway, befitting death to that character.

I used to want to die while falling from the sky so I could feel for one brief moment how it might feel to fly. Then I realized it wouldn't really be like flying, it would be like falling. :rolleyes: So meh. I want to die old and happy. I want to be in bed, with my loved ones beside me holding my hand. I want to die comfortably knowing my family is safe and happy and that I've done all I can to help them be that way. It's corny, I know, but I don't care. My life has been far too insane to wish for more fire and drama. Give me boredom anyday.
Billy Oblivion said:
If there's an afterlife I've got a list of dead people I want to give a good kicking. Starting with my stupid ex-brother.

*clearing throat* cough, um hmm! :D quiet, quiet. here is the professional answer!

1) about the afterlife thing. umm, someone's death is the time when he/she waits. just like the tree in autumn, the leaves are gone, and it just waits for rebirth. ;)
2) according to Amy Tan's 100 secret senses (on recommendation of chewbecca), the spirit of dead person will not wait for you to find him/her. so it might be not possible that you can still kick your ex-brother after your death.

sshhhhhhh, i cannot say too much. ok. oh, as for your 120th birthday, i want to be invited. hope Freya would be there as well. ;)
nothing beats painfully slow death. the death ballet in the wild bunch and the bear trap in straw dogs were awesome. when the camera catches every moment up to their last breath, you can't beat that. I didn't like carrie anne moss' death in the matrix, though. I kept thinking, "die already, bitch!", but she kept blathering on, and on ... I can't stand that. and keanu reeves' lines were lame. "you can't die, trinity! I just love you too damn much."
Harold and Maude. Bud Cort dies like 12 times at least, but always has a good time doing it. Plus he has a boss car.
i cant think of a great death which hasnt been mentioned
but give my two cents on the stupidest death
the army guy in "reign of fire" what the heck was he thinking
was he expecting the dragon to get scared because he yell and jump toward it?
watercrystal said:
*clearing throat* cough, um hmm! :D quiet, quiet. here is the professional answer!

1) about the afterlife thing. umm, someone's death is the time when he/she waits. just like the tree in autumn, the leaves are gone, and it just waits for rebirth. ;)
2) according to Amy Tan's 100 secret senses (on recommendation of chewbecca), the spirit of dead person will not wait for you to find him/her. so it might be not possible that you can still kick your ex-brother after your death.

Oh professor! :) I hope you are wrong! :) When my soul is free of this mortal coil, I do not want to sit rooted like a tree in winter. My life has been rooted like a tree, anchored by responsibilities and obligations. When I have met these, when life has done with me, I want my soul to be free to do that which it could not do in life because it was weighed down by what needed to be done. I want my soul to sail on the wind, linger on a certain place, and after that, scatter itself to the very ends of the universe.

Am I asking too much Professor Crystal? :)

Irene Wilde
Irene Wilde said:
When I have met these, when life has done with me, I want my soul to be free to do that which it could not do in life because it was weighed down by what needed to be done. I want my soul to sail on the wind, linger on a certain place, and after that, scatter itself to the very ends of the universe.
but only if you're good ...
Irene Wilde said:
When I have met these, when life has done with me, I want my soul to be free to do that which it could not do in life because it was weighed down by what needed to be done. I want my soul to sail on the wind, linger on a certain place, and after that, scatter itself to the very ends of the universe.

Am I asking too much Professor Crystal? :)

Irene Wilde

*blushed and embarrased* "please, irene, not call me prefessor." :eek:

1st, that was beautiful if you were thinking like that. it sounds like those ancient asian death stories, that being transformed into ash, blowed away with wind.....

2nd, i was amazed. did not you see that you nearly reached a point that once represented by Hermann Hesse? i recently been reading his books. if you are interested, I would recommend Siddarhathar. there is something about human being's seeking for destiny. :)

hope i can have more time to reply. sorry about that.& please take care!
Of course I have read Hesse. (What old hippie hasn't?) But Hesse was talking philosophy, and I am being entirely pragmatic and more than a little selfish. It is a long story and for another time. Still, you have left with me some hope.

Mr. Burns, to quote Mae West, "Goodness has nothing to do with it!" :rolleyes:

Irene Wilde