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Websites on adapting to film


New Member
Does anyone know of any websites abour adapting novels/plays to films?

I'm doing a english research assignment on it and any help you could give me on this would be great!

I've been reading over a few of the posts here and they're excellent and really very helpful, but the thing is that I have to hand in all my sources of information with the report and I can't really use a forum or message board as a resource as it's mainly just people's opinions...

Also... I'm like the biggest procrastinator in the world and have left it till the very last minute :( It's due on Monday! (in NZ) it's saturday night now! when I search google I keep getting books on amazon, which would be quite helpful but I don't have any time to go to the library coz I'm workin 9-5 tommorow :mad:
(I might have to pull a sicky).. ohh well that'll teach me for leaving it till the last minute...

I was just looking and it doesnt look like people post on here too regularly so it's not likely im gonna get a response to this in time...

man, I'm stupid... I've had this assignment for over a month and am just starting it now :eek: I'll never learn...

anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated!