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Who are you leaning towards?


Active Member
If I was in the U.S, I would probably be voting for Hillary.

John McCain

Barach Obama

Hillary Clinton
Obama. I want the dynastic ambitions of the Clintons put to bed once and for all and McCain seems a little too eager to prolong and/or begin another war.

No, seriously I'm going with Obama I think.

Obama. I want the dynastic ambitions of the Clintons put to bed once and for all and McCain seems a little too eager to prolong and/or begin another war.

Word son. Word.

Needs more poll.
Let Joderu95 make one....LMAO

What is your opinion with the whole Obamas minister and that he is muslim?

I did and it worked albeit might be a tad redundant. Still working out the kinks.

I have not followed this story very close. My guess is that it is overblown like anything that the media puts its dirty little hands on.
Wasn't it the same Jeremiah Wright who counselled Hillary Clinton while she was going through the whole Lewinsky-ordeal? A bit odd for her to criticize Obama for having him as his minister.
And I don't think he is a muslim, but even if he was it shouldn't actually matter. I mean, religion, no matter which one, should be a personal thing rather than something public someone can be judged for.

EDIT: I think I'd vote for Obama, I don't like Hillary Clinton's mudslinging campaign and I just don't agree with Republicans.
I don't think Obama is a Muslim. If he was, the Right Wing pundits would be all over that. His middle name is Hussein though so you can bet that they will capitalize on that.
From everything I've seen and read, Obama's about as Muslim as George Bush is - in fact, isn't the current issue to do with his Christian minister? You can't have it both ways, people. (Besides, it's not like the Republicans don't have scary religious nutters on their side too.)

Of course, that's not going to stop various idiots from pointing out that his name rhymes with "Osama". Well, "Lincoln" rhymes with "Pinko."
I've heard a lot over the last months of "we don't want Clinton back in the White House," and I'm still trying to figure out when his presidency was declared to be such a disaster.

I'm also quite interested in what seems to be a really visceral hatred toward Hillary by some people. For over a year I've been hearing "anybody but her! I can't stand her!" by people who don't seem to be able to explain why they can't stand her.

I've been impressed by her grasp of issues and her clear-headed way of going about tackling some of the most substantive problems faced by the USA. In that respect I have more confidence in her than in Obama, who seems to be less at ease when he gets down to policy details. But I was very disappointed when she climbed on the gas tax holiday bandwagon. I have a feeling that might be the thing which brings Al Gore out in favour of Obama, and if Bill Clinton's VP ends up endorsing the other guy, it won't look good for her.

At this point I have no idea which of the two I'd vote for. But as a non-US citizen, I don't get to vote anyway.
I've heard a lot over the last months of "we don't want Clinton back in the White House," and I'm still trying to figure out when his presidency was declared to be such a disaster.

I'm also quite interested in what seems to be a really visceral hatred toward Hillary by some people. For over a year I've been hearing "anybody but her! I can't stand her!" by people who don't seem to be able to explain why they can't stand her.

I've been impressed by her grasp of issues and her clear-headed way of going about tackling some of the most substantive problems faced by the USA. In that respect I have more confidence in her than in Obama, who seems to be less at ease when he gets down to policy details. But I was very disappointed when she climbed on the gas tax holiday bandwagon. I have a feeling that might be the thing which brings Al Gore out in favour of Obama, and if Bill Clinton's VP ends up endorsing the other guy, it won't look good for her.

At this point I have no idea which of the two I'd vote for. But as a non-US citizen, I don't get to vote anyway.

Oh shit! All that, and you don't get to vote! If you were going to vote for Hillary, I'm glad you're not voting:p

Barack & Roll, baby!

if it ain't Barack, don't fix it!
Well, up until a fairly short time ago, if I'd been able to vote I would have been inclined to vote for her. Now I'm not sure. I still think she has a better grasp on policy issues, but then a good president isn't a lone operator. If Obama becomes president, brings some talented people into the White House in Cabinet positions, and actually listens to what they tell him, his less sure grasp on some of these issues mightn't be a problem.

I'm still somewhat puzzled by this rather widespread visceral hatred of both the Clintons, particularly Hillary, though.
I'm still somewhat puzzled by this rather widespread visceral hatred of both the Clintons, particularly Hillary, though.

I don't dislike her, I just like Barack better. However, I adore Bill Clinton. So if it came down to Hillary winning the Nod, I'll vote for her over McCain in a second if that meant my boy would be back in the White House.
Hillary has about a snowball's chance in hell right now, she's become the democratic party's pycho ex-girlfriend that still thinks she has a chance.

(which is too bad, cause if I could vote, it would of been for her)
It doesn't matter if we can't vote, we all have opinions and especially with Canada we have good relations with the U.S ,so it does interest me of how people are thinking.

About the Obama muslim question , it was all on the news and I wanted to see all of your opinions.

beergood, yes there are idiots all over, even the ones that say that Hillary can't handle the white house because she's a woman.

I understant the need of someone new , with new ideas, either way history will be made.
Hillary messed up by playing dirty and she will pay for it.
I was thinking about the dynastic overule of Bush this morning, how Bush Sr. could not accomplish to screw U.S. middle class has been perfectly accomplished by George W. The excess deficit and the mid-east crisis are handed into the laps of U.S. citizens and their children to pay in the upcoming decade.

I don't see why not we cannot have dynastic rule of Clintons. If Chelsea Clinton runs next time, I would even vote for her, because I remember when Bill was in the office. Barack is promising all these changes, yet, there is no way that he is going to be able to pull the troops our right away. That would create a greater havoc. I don't see his 'change' happening. It's all poltical talk, just like his book, The Audacity of Hope, it's all common sense yet 100% propoganda.
In the "guns and lethal weapons" forum where i am an active member they seem's to like McBain better.You book-readers are a bunch of ninies.
About the Obama muslim question , it was all on the news and I wanted to see all of your opinions.

On the news? Really? I expect it to be on various blogs and opinion pieces, simply because people know that if you just ask the question "But is Obama a Muslim?" enough times, it doesn't matter if the answer is "No, of course he isn't" every single time; sooner or later people will start to think "Muslim" whenever they hear his name. And as we all know, Muslims are nothing but insane bomb-throwing terrorists, the lot of them. :rolleyes:

This, of course, has nothing to do with the fact that he's black and not named John Smith and that most of the people who don't want him to win are white. Oh no. Not at all. Perish the thought.