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Recent content by DavidAvetisov

  1. DavidAvetisov

    In Oblivion (The Complete Trilogy) by David Avetisov

    ***Special Deal*** In Oblivion is now only .99¢ in ebook format. Please navigate to the links in the above initial post to pick up this trilogy in verse at a discounted price. Thanks much, David
  2. DavidAvetisov

    In Oblivion (The Complete Trilogy) by David Avetisov

    In Oblivion (The Complete Trilogy) Hello everyone, my name is David Avetisov, author of "In Oblivion," a complete trilogy composed of roughly 4,100 lines of verse written entirely in iambic tetrameter with a varied rhyme scheme throughout. Having spent a little bit over four years on the book’s...