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Recent content by KyleHause

  1. K

    The Illuminatus! Trilogy

    I've tried on two different ocassions to get through that. I find it very dificult. However, I love Robert Anton Wilson. I also found that Shroedinger's Cat was a lot easier to understand than the Illuminatus! Trillogy. I had forgotten about it since last summer. But, I think after reading your...
  2. K


    I've actually read the Glass Menagerie, but a Street Car Named Desire looks really neat. Also, I've read Of Mice and Men. I'll check out A Street Car, I reckon. But, keep the suggestions coming, and thanks in advance to anyone else who makes a suggestion.
  3. K


    I'm looking for some suggestions as to what I should read next. I'll list some of my favorite pieces of literature, and all I'm looking for is maybe an author or a book that might be similar in nature. I'll explain with each book what I liked so much about it too, as to give you a sense of what...