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Recent content by Vern

  1. V

    A boat carried aloft by balloons

    It's a newly published book. Two brothers have built this boat (ship) and equipped it with a couple of balloons to carry it aloft. The time is that of the Spanish Inquisition. Not an ideal time to be seeking knowledge of the world including a flight to the north pole! The cover has a picture...
  2. V

    I, Robot

    I Robot, the movie and other... Now that we’ve all seen the movie titled, "I Robot," how do Science Fiction buffs rate it? I think it unfortunate that the title suggests some connection to the collection of robot stories by Isaac Asimov published as, "I Robot." Of course, there is none other...
  3. V

    Isaac Asimov -- Where is that photo?

    Thanks much! I'll try to find one or more of those books to find a good picture to scan.
  4. V

    Isaac Asimov -- Where is that photo?

    I'm trying to discover where I saw a particular photo of Isaac Asimov. I think it may have been on the back of a book jacket, perhaps one of his autobiographies. Of the books I've checked that have jackets, I've not found that photo. The photo is of Asimov with an unbrella held high hailing...
  5. V

    Does this ring a bell?

    Thank you one and all! Thank you one and all, novella, mehastings, and Miss Shelf! I'll sure check out the stories by Gladys Mitchell and Anne Perry. Your prompt response to my query is much appreciated! Vern
  6. V

    Does this ring a bell?

    Can anyone help me identify a book I looked at briefly then lost my note of title and author? It's a mystery. The setting is Britain, time uncertain. The story involves a pair of investigators. She is high society and welcomed in homes all over London. He, on the other hand is a commoner...