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Search results

  1. R

    Please help me find this book

    Well since he is in rehab (drug rehab) I wouldnt put it past him lol. I just figured since he requested the book by drawing only, maybe its something special he wanted. He wrote me a letter with a drawing of a crab on a roof of shack or cabin. I dont know if it is a cover or an internal page...
  2. R

    Please help me find this book

    I dont know to be honest. He just drew a picture of a large crab on top of a cabin. The crab sorta lokks like it is waving. His words were for me to find the book this picture was from and tell him the name and author. Sorry thats all I know.
  3. R

    Please help me find this book

    I have a friend in rehab. He is wants to find him a special book. He sent me only hand drawn picture from memory. It is a picture of a crab atop the roof of a cabin or shack. I am not good at doing these kind of searches. Can some one help me. I am on a mobil device and am unable to attach the...