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anyone has seen this?

watercrystal said:
anyone has ever seen this movie : X2

the trailer seems interesting. :)

I watched the first xmen movie. I found it quite good, but nothing really that intresting to be honest.
Litany said:
I mean Evolution the cartoon series for kiddies. Now that it's been on a while it's improved. When it started out there were a lot of teen angst stories, but later on Apocalypse shows up and that always makes for a fun story. And The Professor had a vision that showed Phoenix showing up, so it's getting into the good stuff now. Don't know about short cartoon movies though.

But you really can't beat the sexual tension that was going on between Rogue and Gambit. I can see that the first movie needed to have Rogue as a wimp, but the plot of the first one sucked anyway. It's not like there's a shortage of storylines in X-Men, so there was really no excuse for trashing Rogue for the sake of the film. It made me quite grumpy.

I'll give it a try, if I can find it at the local video place. I guess we didn't get it (on tv) in Canada when it came out. Though we get the regular X-Men series.

I didn't expect to see Rogue so young in the first one. I knew she was younger than everyone else, but Anna Paquin's cherubic face emphasized it more so. I'm looking forward to seeing Gambit in the movies (thought I haven't heard anything about who will play him etc).

Overall, I did enjoy the first movie, but I found it a bit dry and felt ripped off in the end. It's been awhile since I watched it, but I think they concentrated too hard on establishing the racial controversy theme. You're right, they had a lot to work with, they could have done better.

good chatting, and thanks for the info. :) now i'm off to bed.
wow......... you have discussed for 2pages already. hehe. :) I guess i will go to find this X2 in the public library--it is free. (hopefully, i can get it.)

In the trailerof X2, there is a girl, who seems to be very cool and has that kind interesting clothes. well, not sure though.

Many coming-soon movies are kinda scary, full of ghosts that kinda thing. Eg. Exocrist, the Forgotton, Saw, etc.

ah, Jenem, you will get your chance to make your friend envy you this hallowen. ;)
watercrystal said:
And this?



Anacondas is the sequel of Ananconda and pretty much about the same stuff. some scientist make a journey through the jungle in south america with a boat zo look for a plant which can heal some illness. then they get to know a big bad snake and she tries to kill them all. unfortunatley the snake does not look real at all.

And I have to confess that I love X-men 1 and 2 mostly because of Wolverine! I can't await the movie "Hellboy" :rolleyes: !
Hellboy was EXCELLENT! I loved the humour - it was bloody marvelous. The animation was quite good, too, I thought. That's one to buy.
I loved the X Men films, but there again I know nothing about the comics, so I have no idea how accurate they are. Contrary person that I am, I actually preferred the first film to the second (but they were both great).

Hugh Jackman! Phwoar! :D (That reminds me, I've still got Swordfish to watch that I taped off the TV weeks ago. More Hugh Jackman!! :) )
The X2 sequel was great if you were a fan of the old comic, it was fairly accurate to the old storyline and had a great teaser for the films to come.

Anacondas...well the first one was horrible, absolutely horrible. I can't imagine this one being any better. In fact I have no idea who decided to make a sequel but that person is the one who should be fed to a giant, man-eating anaconda who can jump and move super fast and smash things with its head.

edit: sorry for repeating stuff, I somehow managed to miss reading the second page of this thread before i posted.

Ok, anyway, the movies. I liked them both. I've always liked Anna Paquin as an actress. I liked in the 2nd one how they really tried to make her gift more useful than it might otherwise appear.