I've gotten my second Pfizer shot and the only reaction I had, was an arm pain and I felt a little tired .
I've had my two shots, luckily with no more than a sore arm for a couple of days. Infinitely
preferable to the pain and possible death from COVID which so many people have suffered.
Masks are uncomfortable. Social distancing is tedious and easy to forget. But in the name
of sanity, surely these are mere inconveniences compared to the horror of knowing that
you may very possibly have passed this infection onto others by not taking basic, easy
steps, based on proven, undeniable medical science. I usually don't find it difficult to
disagree with friends and family members about social and political controversies,
without anger or contempt, without weakening a friendly, sometimes loving,
relationship. But not this time. If I expressed my full opinion of those people who rant
about "tyranny" when required to observe fundamental care and respect for
the welfare of their neighbors, and who describe protective masks as ''Satanic'', I suspect
my comments might be deleted by Facebook, since I would be moved to use extreme
language, which this Forum, rightly, tries to avoid. But at least I will say that the idea
that there is anything diabolical about face masks is absurd. When I lived in England
my friends and I wore masks in October and November, up to November 5th. As
many Americans know, this day is known as Guy Fawkes' Day or Bonfire Night and
commemorates the Gunpowder Plot, a conspiracy in 1605 to blow up the House of
Commons while it was in session. Neighborhoods or individual families build a
bonfire, on which they burn a ''guy'', a life-size figure of a man, made from old
clothes, usually just a jacket and pants, stuffed with rags and straw, representing
Guy (or Guido) Fawkes, who was captured in a cellar of the Commons, about
to light a lethal store of gunpowder. The bonfires are accompanied by fireworks.
And-most-people-especially-the-children-wear-masks. I have never heard anyone
describe these masks as ''Satanic''. If they did they would be ridiculed. And
they would deserve to be. One more example. Some years ago I had an operation.
Not serious, but I needed to be knocked out for a while. When I came round I
was surrounded by a number of men and women WEARING MASKS! It did not
occur to me that I was in the hands of a coven of devil-worshipers. I was naive
enough to believe the masks were appropriate to the medical procedure. I had
not been brainwashed into believing that masks were "Satanic'' (my parents
had even allowed me to watch The Lone Ranger on T.V., little realizing that
he was a Satanist).
I said that I would try not to be too aggressive in my disagreement
with the anti-maskers. I find that I am unable to remain calm when thinking
about the the suffering and loss they have caused and are still causing. As
I have said, I can,,and usually do, respect people whose views are very
different from mine. But when their views are founded on fanaticism and
the elevation of scientific ignorance into a virtue, and are directly responsible
for the suffering of innocent people, they do not deserve respect, and I cannot
give it.