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Don't know the name of something

Linda B

New Member
Hello all. Can someone tell me what a book's description is called that entices people to buy? I've heard the word before, but I can't remember. I think it's a strange word, not something as simple as "description".

For example, "Thou Art Peter"-- A hard-hitting book based on the most serious prophecies which predict things that are soon to occur in the world, religion, and society in general...

Thanks in advance.
blurb |blərb|
a short description of a book, movie, or other product written for promotional purposes and appearing on the cover of a book or in an advertisement.
verb [ trans. ] informal
write or contribute such a passage for (a book, movie, or other product).
ORIGIN early 20th cent.: coined by Gelett Burgess (died 1951), American humorist.