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Embracing my Inner Geek

Hello Scottishduffy,
That's one awesome pile of books you mentioned! Couple week's reading? :D

Aah, this list of books I mentioned. Gosh, that was everything I could remember reading from the last few months (I couldn't remember them all). As far as the list of books to be read... Alas, those are my best intentions. I have 2 more books left in the stack next to my bed before I can journey back to the bookstore for more. I keep looking around this board and just saying to myself "Oohh, this looks interesting. Well! Onto the list it goes."

Let's see, I should be able to go to the bookstore next weekend..... Depending on how busy I am with work and school and I usually do a book per week. If I have free time though, I can rip through books at lightning speed. Whheeeeee.
Welcome Scottish! I too am adding books to my TBR list like crazy. I just finished Lolita myself, and I LOVED IT! I'm now trying to get my hands on "Reading Lolita in Tehran" but there's like 9 people ahead of me in the library queue!
Where in Florida do you live?
Currently I live in Miami, Florida. I am going to have my copy og "Reading Lolita in Tehran" take part in Bookcrossing. I found a thread about it here and it looked like fun. :)
excellent. I can't wait for whoever the 9 people ahead of me at the library to get done with the darn book so I can have it! I want to read it NOW!
That's ok, the library will come through for me. In the meantime I"ve got like 8 books checked out that I need to read! I'm kind of liking the anticipation!