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"Foreword:Into The Past" (Part Two)


New Member
"Bloodline of the Annunakii"

A greater disgrace carries them. On their home world, they had been shamed as “Untouchables” by their own race, the product of a rigid caste system.

For the Kingdom that would be established for them and their progeny, they have come to rule, triumphant over these pale and insignificant human beings. They are the "misunderstood,” and are adamant that their will shall rule all beings of the surface world.

They live secretly in their great halls beneath the surface of the planet, utilizing massive tunnels to travel from one end of the land to the other, their comings and going shrouded in secrecy and dark, furtive movement.

In the modern surface world, they command the ear of their Council of Thirteen, for whom they have engineered these great underground installations that will see the Council safely through the coming polarity change.

They will survive at all costs, these Council members, these of the alien hybrid Bloodline, the Shimera, who have their finger on the pulse of the entire global political, and physical world, its judicial and military leaders, ostensibly reporting to the fearsome below ground chambers of their masters.

It is felt by these Annunakii Draco lords, that the hybrids, the Shimera, who populate the Council, have grown arrogant in stature, vainglorious with power on the surface Earth, hidden within the folds of human flesh, and forsaking the unparalleled beauty of the true Annunakii form.

A great part of this tale is their horrific history, visited upon the unsuspecting earthlings, with its lies and monstrous deceits, practiced with humiliating regularity of menacing scorn.

Greater than this evil intent, this is the story of two humans, recent lovers, who move through these times. They who have revealed themselves; they who cope, prepare, change, and carry an age-old message that was originally proclaimed by that icon of spiritual reverence that is dishonored within every church upon the planet Earth. His truths are turned to lies; his image has been made a contradiction.

These original descendants of the ancient Annunakii were shunned by their home world as slaves and soldiers of their Empire, and were driven into voluntary exile from their own lands, under the guise of overseeing mining operations on the planet Earth and other locations in this vast galaxy.

Due to their lowly caste position and the avaricious dreams of aristocratic rulers on their Home Planet, known to all as Niburu, they were overlooked, repudiated and disdained. Their contribution to the home world was their backbreaking labors. They were the origin of the haunting tale of Sisyphus.

From the moment Draco soldiers were sent to the Earth, their leaders, one junior officer most especially, unbelievably avaricious in nature, laid their secret plans for freedom most carefully, taking great pains taken to avoid discovery.

In the highest councils of this pioneering contingent, they prepared against the day of the eventual and final return of Niburu, and of the accounting of vrewtquert, or proper respects, which would have to appear, manifested to the Great King of Niburu, the Highest Lord King Lucan Annu. This had to appear to be in concordance with the His Divine Will, and that of the god of Niburu, the Overlord LuCanious.

Emerging from the homeland Niburu, led by the son of an early Annunakii warrior king, one Enlil, they had originally departed for the Earth. They were meant to be merely another of the thousands of mining operations scattered throughout the solar system. This was exactly the ruse that their scheming leader required as a necessary ingredient to carry the master plan to fruition.

Ostensibly on a mission to the Earth to mine for minerals, gold, silver and precious stones, the lesser officers and troops were driven by this great, all-consuming need, one kept hidden from their commanding officers. They were secretly led by this demented figure of unsurpassed drive and arrogant ambition; a perfect fit for the desperate times that they saw them selves heir to.

However, the Annunakii plans, though laid in great secrecy, were augmented in latter years of Earth’s history to accelerate the coming of this mighty ambition; they had created a union with the untrustworthy surface forces, the Shimera, which agreed to share the globe when Niburu’s influence was vanquished.

Seemingly contradictory in design, they, the masters, being the original genetic creators of the Shimera, still offered an alliance to be made. Deemed necessary to avert potential conflict, due to the increased military power of the Hybrids, the bargain was struck.

In truth, both sides plotted to betray the other by deception, which eventually became overtly apparent with the loss of any intentional subtleties. Neither of the parties to the alliance, had any intention to live up to the terms of agreement to share the surface world as co-rulers.

Constant problems festered their lines of communication, especially with the image that each had of other. The Annunakii were possessed of a difficult mindset, fraught with illusion; always they were on guard for those who would betray, renounce, or turn them away, removing all what they have acquired through their many efforts. The Shimera, on the other hand, were innately deceptive and of a facile turn of mind.

This illusion in part explained why it had taken so very long to accomplish the tasks that they had each set for themselves. Neither trusted the other, and many agents of change died in the specter of betrayal; some was actual, most was imaginary and only served to broaden the gap between them.

Our story begins at the time of the arrival in Earth’s galaxy of the End of Days, at the closing of the Phase of Counting, which lead to the end of the Mayan calendar; December 2012.

As had been foretold, a grouping of influences, and aggressive hostilities instigated massively destructive geophysical Earth changes that were to be visited upon the planet.

The pending return of the Annunakii home planet Niburu, three times the size of Earth, and possessed of a magnetic field so strong that only Jupiter or Saturn’s mass, could resist its gravitational impelling, and would be the final irresistible force that tipped the scale, destroying all that man, secretly driven by their unseen masters, had created before it.

Moreover, this is the story of those unique humans, survivors of a small town on the northern coast of California, who lived at that time of unspeakable change, that time of great reversal of fortunes.

It tells of their race with the fragile and fractious time that approached them, one that they had discovered and spoken about in warning, laboring against its entrenched and consummate, secretive intent.

From first discovery of looming threat, to the collapse of their everyday world, they struggled to stave off complete extinction of the human being from the lands of the Earth. They sought to bring a message of spiritual hope and understanding to the remnants of their great and powerful world that would be devastated and emotionally scarred to its foundations at the arrival of the cataclysm.

From facing virtually no hope for a future, to the augmentation of their dream of survival, to the eventual unlocking of an ancient mindset, they struggled.

Through the coming of the One, and his magical removal of imbedded confusion, of institutionalized fear, towards a realm of peace and understanding, our story unfolds.

Existing simultaneously within all that transpires within every dimension of existence and actuality, all levels and concepts, from every and all experiential possibility, in every universe or spectrum of though… Supreme Godhead “Thee,” Center of All Centers...blinked...and turned Its complete…unfathomable, unplumbed thought, towards tiny, beloved Gaia Of Its Mind.

The line breaks between sentences is nice, but stories are generally written with sentences brought together into paragraphs. I really do not want to make the above a complaint. I received the impression that you have an idea for a story and were attempting to lay down the blocks of foundation. It lacks being a real narrative, but I will grant that it is a working line draft with a sense of how the chapter will flesh out.

Just to note, you normally want to start a story off with something to hook a reader. History documentaries seldom hook a casual reader. Long sentences are something else usual frowned upon.

Anyway, it is a start. Keep it going and let us see how it develops.

Thank you for your opinion.

It might be clearer for you, if you read Part One, which I posted a few weeks ago, and after that go back further to Prologue: "Bloodline of the Annunakii" and you will get a clearer idea of the story line. It will take some patience, but taken together provides an interesting story, especially when you view Chapter One: "Invasion", which I will probably NOT post.

Yes, the line breaks are necessary because there is no indentation with the posting software for the Forum, unfortunatley. Perhaps I just haven't figured out how, yet. With only 15 minutes to get it all done, usually I am in a flap to post or lose the whole thingie. Also, the sentences you see are parapraphs, stretched out, and they look that way, I know.

If you do read the whole enchilada, let me know the overall opinion, please. Most readers are reluctant to say anything. I wonder...why?
