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General question: Non-forum related.


New Member
Hello- I am in California, and I wonder if I may ask a question. I have received an announcement from Liverpool, saying that I won a butt-load of money in the "UK National Lottery" and suppose it is a "fishing" email or the like. They have not asked for money or info, and I tried a "reply to," but got a returned response "failure to dleiver." Have you ever heard of it? Also, they had a Hotmail address!

How did they get my address? They reported that it was a random sampling from across the board there.

I would be more than alarmed if I ignore it an it turns out to be true (I responded to another email addres and have yet to hear) So any info you have is welcome, and you may want more facts on these guys, as they seem to have gotten into your mailing list. I saved the email.

FM Thompson
F.M.Thompson said:
Hello- I am in California, and I wonder if I may ask a question. I have received an announcement from Liverpool, saying that I won a butt-load of money in the "UK National Lottery" and suppose it is a "fishing" email or the like. They have not asked for money or info, and I tried a "reply to," but got a returned response "failure to dleiver." Have you ever heard of it? Also, they had a Hotmail address!

How did they get my address? They reported that it was a random sampling from across the board there.

I would be more than alarmed if I ignore it an it turns out to be true (I responded to another email addres and have yet to hear) So any info you have is welcome, and you may want more facts on these guys, as they seem to have gotten into your mailing list. I saved the email.

FM Thompson

Ignore it and don't worry about it. Complete piffle.
But it IS fun to contemplate how I might have spent all the vast wealth I've "won" from crap offers like this..shoot, I wouldn't NEED Trump's wallet:D
Delete and do not open emails from people you do not know. You are asking for trouble otherwise.
However! I do have a real[/I, honest-to-goodness, super-duper and bullet-proof scheme for making big money easily and real fast! If you will just PM me your bank account number, bank routing number, as well as your Social Security number, I will happily (and privately) fill you in on all the other details.

There is an easier way of losing all your money.

Invest in the internet bubble stocks.
Hmmm, already been there, done that.:(
F.M.Thompson said:
Hello- I am in California, and I wonder if I may ask a question. I have received an announcement from Liverpool, saying that I won a butt-load of money in the "UK National Lottery" and suppose it is a "fishing" email or the like. They have not asked for money or info, and I tried a "reply to," but got a returned response "failure to dleiver." Have you ever heard of it? Also, they had a Hotmail address!

FM Thompson

Let's see if we can find them on this site:

http://ripoffreport.com/ :mad: