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Happy Bing Bang Whoop Poem!


Adverbs & Adjectives Drinking North America Up A Zoom!
A poem by Wolf Larsen
You are adverbs & adjectives all frolicking in the boiling pot of a poem together and the poem is made out of cities & wars all built with the Poet’s semen and the insanity is oozing from every sidewalk & streetcorner and the birds flyyyyyyyy across the poem (the poem streeetches across millions of years of time) – syphilis! – and happy avalanches! Happy bing-bang-whoop!! (This poem is a collision & a scattering!) And now you're infected by the poem the poem is running & running across the days & months & years like a horde of crack addicts clawing the sun into pieces – and we build your life into bashing rioting sculptures and the sculptures express your life they express your feelings of slashing-invading-verbs and your lips walk across her mocha brown skin that’s as delicious as whiskey and we discover a wonderful homosexuality leaping out of every object in the world – smoke a bowl of yesterdays! – and the news is scre!aming with approaching mushroom clouds that wait for the end of the Human Race and the poem…
Copyright 2007 by Wolf Larsen