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Help... Looking for author/title of a crime novel read in the past


New Member
Around ~10+years ago I read a really good thriller and am hoping someone else on this forum read the book and know the author/title. I have searched through many databases with the details from the story that I remember but can never find the book.

In short the story was about a male traveling consultant who was abused by his mother when he was younger and then as a result killed women in the cities he traveled to. The book is from two perspectives... the killers so you learn about his childhood, the relationship he has with a neighbor woman and you have sympathy for his character even though he is doing brutal things to the women he selects who remind him of his mother and the detective investigating who tracks him and how he gets clues in the case, difficulties with the multiple cities involved, etc. One unique detail was his first kill which was his mother and that he nailed a playing card to her forehead. She used to make him play cards with her if I remember correctly.

If this sounds familiar and someone knows the author and title please let me know.
