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Hi, I write science fiction

Rick Partlow

New Member
Hey all.
My name is Rick Partlow and I have been an avid reader of science fiction and fantasy since I was about 8 years old. I began writing it as well in college and with the advent of e-publishing, I have published three books and a short story collection on Amazon for Kindle. Just found out about this place and look forward to participating.

I am also published on Amazon, but I write more horror/dark stuff. I've a fantasy I'm about 20k words into, though, which I'm loving big time.

I am also published on Amazon, but I write more horror/dark stuff. I've a fantasy I'm about 20k words into, though, which I'm loving big time.

I have a fantasy series I keep meaning to get started on, but there are so many SF plots I want to do first...
I always wanted to write a horror novel as well and I have a very Lovecraftian idea for one, apropos of your screen name...