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In A Coma


New Member
SL- Stage Left
SR-Stage Right
CS-Centre Stage

Scene 1

A young man named Luke enters SL. He is wearing blue jeans, and a purple shirt. He has a rainbow flag tied around his neck. When he gets to about center stage someone in the audience stands up and yells…

Assailant 1- Fagot

Another person stands up in the audience and yells…

Assailant 2- Queer

Another yells from backstage…

Assailant 3- Flamer

Another from backstage…

Assailant 4- Fairy

One more in the audience…

Assailant 5- Queen

The men start moving towards Luke. Two enter from backstage, and three from the audience. They form a circle around him.

Luke- Hey, come on guys there’s no need for a confrontation. Let’s just go our separate ways.

Assailant 3- Ooooo big words

Assailant 5- Let’s get him boys

The five men start pushing Luke around. They have soon thrown him to the ground and are beating him into sup mission. A few moments pass while they are beating him. A young police officer enters SL.

Police Officer- Hey, what the hell do you think you‘re doing?

As the police officer enters the five men run offstage.

Police Officer- Don’t worry I’ll get you to a hospital.

The Police Officer picks up Luke and exits SR.

Scene 2

A spotlight comes up on CS. Luke is sitting on a stool dressed in all white.

Luke- Bigotism if it’s just a word, then they lied when they said words don’t hurt.

Lights come up on SR to reveal a hospital bed, and several chairs. A curtain forms a wall around some of the bed. Luke’s body is lying unconscious on the bed.

Luke- From my experience words can hurt. Name calling hurts just as much as getting punched in the stomach. It’s not just a harmless prank when someone spray paints queer on my locker or burns a rainbow flag in the school court yard. According to our laws that’s a hate crime, but no one ever gets charged. It’s just a harmless prank they tell me, it’ll blow over they tell me. Well it didn’t blow over; it only got worse much, much worse.

A young woman enters SL. She runs across to the bed, and sits on the edge of one of the chairs.

Luke- That’s my best friend Mallory. We met when we were five…

Lights come up SL, the CS lights go down. Two people are sitting on the ground playing with pails.

Young Luke- Hey that’s my sand.

Young Mallory- No, it’s everybody’s sand. My Mommy told me so.

Young Luke- Well your Mommy’s wrong.

He sticks out his tongue at her and grabs her pail. She grabs the other side, they start tugging it back and forth. The lights fade and come up CS.

Luke- We got off to a great start, eh? She offered to drive me home that night but, I wanted to walk. I told her I needed some air. The truth is I wanted to take as long as possible to get home, so my dad would be asleep when I got there. He’s having a hard time dealing with the fact that I’m gay. He would have flipped if he found out that I had gone to the gay rights rally down-town. He went psycho when I told him.

The lights fade as lights come up SL. Two people sit on a couch. A male and a female, a young man is standing in front of them.

Luke- Mum, Dad, I have something to tell you. I hope you can understand and that you’ll still accept me.

Luke’s Mum- We’ll always love you, no matter what.

Luke- Well, see…the thing is…I-I’m…gay.

Luke’s Dad- WHAT!!!

The lights fade and come back up on CS.

Luke- Mallory was the only one who supported me. She let me stay at her house when my dad kicked me out, through all the badgering and name calling she never left my side. She’s still there right at my side, even in my darkest hour.

The lights come up SR. Mallory is holding Luke’s hand.

Mallory- Luke, I know you probably can’t hear me but I’m going to talk anyways. You can’t die. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Please don’t die, please, please, please come back. Tons of people from school sent you cards and stuff. Your Mum brought you flowers, and your Dad... um..., he hung up your flag on the wall.

Luke spins around on the spot looking for the flag. It was hanging on the wall above the head of his hospital bed.

Mallory- They’re looking for the guy who did this to you. They’re having a hard time believing that it was only one person.

Luke- There was five men. Didn’t that police officer tell them Mallory? MALLORY!!

Luke walks up behind Mallory. He waves his hand in front of her face.

Mallory- Please come back Luke. Life wouldn’t be any fun without you. A cell phone rings. Sorry Luke, I’ll be right back.

Mallory exits SR.

Luke- She’s always on that GD thing.

Luke walks back to CS as he does this the lights on stage right go down. He takes his place on the stool and puts his head down on his chest. The light fades out.
i have just finished the first scene, and found myself kinda being distracted by something. :eek:

will get back and finish the other two scenes.! :)
to be continued

wooo..... What will happen next? --That means what you wrote here is really interesting. :) umm, it could make a good stage play.

do you have more twists and plots in your later scenes? wondering about that. :)

good work!

if you don't mind, i would say that you leave more room for my own imagination, which is both positive and negative. I mean, it would be better if you put more words on how Luke was feeling when he talked about his gay thing to his parents. (I can only guess from what you have put here that the
gay thing seems not as common as it is considered nowadays. maybe this guess is wrong. :eek: anyway) As contrast, it would be better if you could tell me how people were enraged and how Luke was "pushed", blah, blah. I would dig it deeply, more deeply, and more on this theme.

Hoping it is not offensive. :) Thanks for sharing your writing here.
thx. I'm still building on the story. Origanally it was gonna cover racism too but I liked where this story was going so I decided to try and build on It.
read an article about GLB (gay, lesbian, bisexual). not sure whether the following info can shed a light or not. anyway, your writing about gay and racism seems tobe a really resourceful theme.

it was reported that:

"According to current literature, attitudes toward the sexuality of women differs from that of men, and attitudes toward lesbian women differ from attitudes toward gay men. Heterosexual men have reported more negative atitudes toward gay men than do heterosexual woem, whereas no significant gender difference is reported about attitudes toward lesbians. it also tends to be harder to hcange attitudes toward gay men than those toward lesbians. As such, it seems tha lesbian friendships, whereas gay men's relationships and sexuality are more universally condemned."

goodluck with your writing. :)