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Introducing Author Joel Goulet


New Member
Hi, my name is Joel Goulet. I am a fiction writer. I live in the city of Wausau, Wisconsin. I am single and I enjoy bowling, taking walks with my very energetic yellow lab, and spending time doing what I love to do the most, writing. As for my writing, I have a number of novels published. I’m very descriptive and I don’t stick to any one genre, thus allowing a wider group of readers to enjoy my story telling. I think I’ve written something for just about anyone. I don’t know what else to say about myself here. If you’d like to know more about me, my dog, or my writing, feel free to drop by our web site at www.joelgoulet.com. For now, take care and have a great day.
Welcome Joel :) Hope you enjoy the Forums!! I have just got a new pup myself, it is rather taking over our lives at the moment but i dont mind that much, she's a cutie and has a very sweet nature (even if she does insist on chewing everything in site!! :p )

Saying Hi to Phil

Hi Phil. I know what you will be going through with your dog as far as the chewing stage. My lab is getting better (not chewing the kitchen table anymore-still loves the old sofa though). But even with the chewing I wouldn't be without him. I think it's sort of cool to wake up, roll over, and see him looking me in the eyes. Once he knows I'm awake, it's time to get up and eat and neither Hell nor high water is going to prevent it. I can rough house with him all I want, but in the end, I'm getting up. I could write for ever about my dog, but I better hang it up here. Thanks for your welcome. Bye.
Well we've only had her three days, so we are still going through housing breaking (although she's pretty good at it already, she'll go inside if she has no choice but if the doors open she always goes outside :) She is adorable though, im doing shift work at the moment so i dont get to see her as much as id like, but its only temporary!

To Phil

I see that you live across "The Pond" as they call it. Someday I'd like to visit London. It must be filled with so much history that I'd be lost. Can't imagine what it's like living in a country with castles and such. I've placed a few adds over there for my new book. I collect beer labels and I've gotten a lot from England. As for my dog, I adopted him from the animal shelter(second one so far) and he came already house broke. I did have to take him to obedience school though. He likes to play stupid and act like he doesn't know what I want him to do. But take out a treat, and he's a new dog, does anything I tell him to do right now. He's pure bred, and very smart. I was told that you can tell how smart a lab is by how black the top inside of his mouth is. His is very black. I have pics of him on my web site. A big boy at 122 pounds. I was just playing keep away with him and his ball when the computer beeped telling me of your message. I guess he wants to play some more so gotta go. Bye.
Yeah London is a great city, i love the history of the place also - and yeah, castles are cool :p We got our pup (shes a pedigree too) straight from the breeder, although we did have to go to Wales (about a three hour car journey) to pick her up - shes also very intelligent, she just chooses not to use it most of the time :D Im sure that once shes settled a bit she'll be fine - at the moment its raining outside and shes delighting in rolling around the mud :confused:

Welcome, Joel --

I'm spending my time putting some of my own books in various genres on Lulu, so haven't had time for the forums recently.

I'm part owner of a castle in England. My family went there from Germany to escape Suleyman I and married somebody in the then royal family, caused a lot of trouble, and was given the place to get them as far drom London as possible, then caused more trouble later and came to the US to avoid being prosecuted (Which was something on the order of being run through at the time) My father was an Earl (but the family had abandoned the estate in the 1800's, so it didn't mean anything). I understand the old castle, most of it, is still there, and I could reclaim it for paying the back taxes, which would be about two hundred times what it's worth.
Now, if it was haunted, I might visit, but it doesn't even have that (that I know about).
Oh, well. You'll like this place. It's fun!