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Little worried

alright, let's take a step back ... you accosted me earlier for pretending to be holier-than-thou, but you're not acting any different. if you feel the need to know all the facts right now, then go ahead and educate yourself to this reality ...

bobbyburns said:
I'm sorry that I offended you. I wasn't sure exactly what you were trying to say, but from lahondas' point of view it could've come across like a slap in the face. however, in hindsight I don't think that's what you intended, which is why I'm apologizing. let's just be on good terms, ok? ;)
It was sarcasm *Smiles* (or at least, supposed to be. My sense of humour sometimes gets in the way)

One of those things about the net, it's so easy to misconstrue. I didn't accost you for being holier than thou, but for attacking the girl with no clear reason. My point remains valid though, if you'd asked her what she meant, instead of slamming her, you'd have saved some face.

But about being obese, i used to be. Speaking for myself *only*, i wouldn't have found that offensive.

But i was as obtuse as you, agreed.

*removes sarcasm from post and wishes she'd been clear first time round also*

Sorry Bobby.