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Michael Cart: My Father's Scar


New Member
*I think im suppose to tell you that this post contains spoilers, Kinda*

This is my first real post so go easy on me. I read this book last night and have gone crazy looking for some one to discuse it with. *none of my friends have even heard of it*

I found this book surprisingly accurate for the life of an outcast. However I found Andys' biggest fear and problem was his weight, not his homosexuality.

This story of a young teen throught "coming-of-age" was an emotional downward spiral, and every time he found happiness fate snatched it away. Andys' love and loss, rollercoaster almost made me cry mulitiple times. In addition to Andys' love forsaken life, his alcholic father, "old man", seemed to be enough to make him run out long before he did.

MY fav. character how ever would have to be Billy. He starts as a punk kid that you hope gets run over by a bus. And then you hate him even more when he becomes a gaybasher. When you have absolutly no respect left for him, he stands up for Patti-with-an-i. At that moment you think "maybe there is a little good in everyone". Of course right after that beautiful thought he moves away. When he comes back into the story, you think, or at least i did, that hes going to be exactly as he was protrayed in the beginning. Which at first he was, arrogant, inconsiderate, a punk kid. Thats when he once again surprises you by kissing Andy. He became his love, and by the end of his character you feel sorry for him, because he loses his love. Billy was by far i think the most complex character in this book, i you think about what must have gone through his mind through out the entire book, during gaybashing, being the bully, falling in love, the first leap of faith by kissing Andy, when he beat up andys' father, and when Andy left. The fear he must have felt in the pre-Andy days, that someone might discover his secret. How the fear must have mulitiplied when he and Andy became loves. The guilt he must have endured after the bullying, gaybashing, tormenting, and arrogance. We never truly know what he went through his mind when he had the smaller problem of grades, did he really not care, or was it just and act?

I hope to hear your comments on characters, emotions, and whatever

Peace, Love, Equality
Other Cart books

Also has anyone read any of his other books:
From Romance to Realism
Love and Sex
Peace, Love, Equality